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This method focuses on cultivating inner strength and tranquillity. Practitioners refine their internal energy, or Qi, using stillness and introspective awareness without the need for external movement.

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The Teachings of Inner Transformation and Inner Alchemy
The Teachings of Inner Transformation and Inner Alchemy

Nei refers to the internal, and Wai refers to the external. Neidan is known as inner alchemy, and Neigong is known as inner work.

by Sage.blue
What are Internal Arts?
What are Internal Arts?

All internal arts have a foundation in natural principles. They should make you feel at ease and right. But this doesn't mean that they are easy or that you don't have to work hard.

by Sage.blue
Bagua Circle Walking Neigong
Bagua Circle Walking Neigong

Circle walking is an internal art valued for its approach in promoting health and spiritual connection. It emphasises internal harmony, adaptability, and balance, mirroring nature's ebb and flow.

by Sage.blue
Zhan Zhuang - Tutorial of a Daoist practise
Zhan Zhuang - Tutorial of a Daoist practise

When practicing Zhan Zhuang, the circulatory system, particularly the heart's vessel system, undergoes significant enhancement. The practice results in the dilation of smaller capillary vessels, thus improving overall blood circulation.

by Sage.blue
Zhan Zhuang - Comprehension of a Daoist practise
Zhan Zhuang - Comprehension of a Daoist practise

Let us move into the entrancing domain of Zhan Zhuang, a practice deeply anchored in the Daoist doctrine. Uniting contrasting elements, Zhan Zhuang orchestrates a harmonious dance between the soft and hard, the empty and full, and the moving and the still.

by Sage.blue
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