Foundational Concepts
Yin and Yang
The two extremes, or opposites, are our world's poles.
Wu Xing
The five phases (elements) are explained with their properties.
Kan and Li
Water and fire in our body and the interconnectedness.
The Three Treasures
The doctrine of Jing, Qi and Shen, the treasures in our body.
Zang Fu
The study of the twelve primary organs in our body.
Ba Gang
The eight principles form a core concept in Chinese medicine.
The Five Shen
The study of the human spirit and the concept of the soul.

Six Divisions of Yin and Yang
Meaning of Disease
The introduction to the six divisions of Yin and Yang.
Tai Yang
The division of the body representing utmost Yang energy.
Yang Ming
How the dynamics of dampness and dryness challenge harmony.
Shao Yang
How the dynamics of wood and fire challenge harmony.
Tai Yin
The dynamics of earth and metal make up the Taiyin channel.
Shao Yin
Discover the relationship between fire and water within the body.
Jue Yin
Representing union or closing and confines the Yin Qi.