Theory & Basics
The Five Yamas
Pillars of Yoga Practice
The Yogic Body
Uncover the existence of your subtle energy body.
Theory of Karma
Understanding the cycles and how to find a way towards Moksha.
Life energy and it is functioning within the body.
The coiled serpent at the base of the spine.
Chakras and Nadis
Discover the anatomy of your subtle energy.
Understand what blocks the energy flow.

Standing Positions
Asanas that are done standing and focus on strength, balance and endurance.
Lying Positions
Performed while lying on the back, stomach, or side.
Seated Positions
Performed while sitting and often focused on flexibility.
Core Poses
Focused on strengthening the abdominal muscles, back, and pelvic area.
Quadruped Poses
Exercises or positions performed on all fours.
These exercises or positions arch the spine backwards.
Arm Balances
Asanas, where the body weight is supported primarily by the arms.
Inversion Poses
Postures where the heart is higher than the head.
Resting Poses
These positions encourage mindfulness and tranquillity.
Flow of movements that stretch and strengthen various body parts.
Moving from standing to a kneeling position and then fully surrendering.

Anulom Vilom
Balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
Ujjayi Pranayama
This exercise is also known as the oceanic breath.
Kapalabhati Pranayama
Discover skull polishing, an important shatkarma.
Bhastrika Pranayama
The bellow breath involves rapid and forceful inhalation and exhalation.
Bhramari Pranayama
The bee breath is very effective in calming the mind.
Sheetali Pranayama
Cooling breath technique that involves rolling the tongue.
Sheetkari Pranayama
Is performed by sucking air through the teeth.
Surya Bhedana Pranayama
Invites the warming qualities of the sun into our bodies and minds.
Chandra Bhedana Pranayama
Moon-piercing breath or left nostril breathing.
Murcha Pranayama
Makes the mind devoid of senses and gives the feeling of lightheadedness.
Plavini Pranayama
Involves swallowing air to remain buoyant on waters.


Gyan Mudra
Symbolises the union of the self with the universe.
Vayu Mudra
Regulates the element of air to control the nervousness and restlessness.
Agni Mudra
Increases the fire element within the body, aiding digestion and metabolism.
Prithvi Mudra
Invokes the earth element, promoting physical strength and growth.
Varun Mudra
Balances the water element in the body, aiding hydration and skin.
Shunya Mudra
Helps in reducing the space element and is used for ear ailments.
Chin Mudra
Stimulates the root chakra and grounds the mind and body.
Anjali Mudra
Symbolises honour and respect, often used during meditation.
Linga Mudra
Represents the phallus of Shiva, increases heat, and alleviates cold.

Sat Kriya
Stimulates and balances the energy of the sacral chakra.
Kritan Kriya
Uses mantra and movement to focus the mind and support cognitive functions.
Manduki Kriya
Strengthens the lower body and increases circulation in the pelvic region.
Sufi Grind Kriya
Loosens the lower spine and massages the internal organs.
Spinal Flex Kriya
Promotes flexibility and stimulates the flow of cerebrospinal fluid.
Nabhi Kriya
Focuses on the navel centre to improve digestion and core strength.
Subagh Kriya
Said to bring prosperity and open the path to abundance.
Tershula Kriya
Also known as Thunderbolt Kriya, it is practiced for energy and balance.
Veerasana Kriya
Practiced for energy and balance and to prepare for deep meditation.