15 posts


Classic Chinese Medicine (CCM) is an internationally recognized healthcare system rooted in Daoist principles. It utilizes diverse modalities, including herbal medicine and internal practice.

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The Meaning of Disease in CCM
The Meaning of Disease in CCM

This article aims to provide an introduction to the concept of disease in Chinese Medicine and a guide to the six major divisions in our body. It offers a starting point for understanding disease in Chinese Medicine.

by Sage.blue

Learn about the Jueyin channel, which represents union or closing and confines the yin qi, allowing the yang qi to rise and emit properly.

by Sage.blue

The Shaoyin channel links the heart and kidney, two vital organs that are fundamental to your well-being. Discover the relationship between Fire and Water, the two opposing yet complementary elements that coexist within you.

by Sage.blue

The dynamics of earth and metal make up the Taiyang channel. This article covers especially the dynamics of the Spleen Earth.

by Sage.blue

Explore how the dynamics of wood and fire challenge the harmony of the Shaoyang channel and learn about the concept of our body's openings.

by Sage.blue

Explore how the dynamics of dryness and dampness challenge the harmony of the Yangming channel, and the approaches to restore its fundamental coolness and descending functions.

by Sage.blue
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