The Meaning of Shaoyang

Shaoyang refers to a term where the character Shao (少) is used with a similar meaning as the character xiao (小), which translates to small or not yet big.

It is further a term with three distinct meanings:

  • It denotes the yang in its nascent stage and has not yet fully developed.
  • It represents the ruler of the eastern direction and springtime periods.
  • It is linked to wood and fire, highlighting the contrast between the form and function of fire.

The concept of Shaoyang can be explained through the dual nature of fire that emerges from within wood. Specifically, the dragon thunder fire, wood fire, and fire within wood all contribute to this phenomenon, resulting in a complex interplay of forces integral to our understanding of Shaoyang.

The association between wood and fire is reinforced by the fact that thunder belongs to spring, which also belongs to wood. The dragon, also associated with spring, is considered a descendant of thunder and the east by the people of China, who call themselves dragon. The dragon, however, is not simply a dinosaur and its existence is not imaginary; instead, it is connected to the natural occurrence of thunder and lightning. The Shaoyang fire, also known as the fire of the thunder dragon, was a source of fire in the pre-technological world. The question of whether there is a genuine connection between dragons and lightning remains to be answered by the descendants of the dragon.

The Meaning of the Shaoyang Channels

The Shaoyang leg channel plays a significant role in the channels and collaterals system. It governs the ability of Taiyang and Yangming to open and close.

The left Shaoyang is responsible for opening Taiyang, while the right Shaoyang is responsible for opening Yangming.

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