Taiji serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all things and the unity within diversity. It reveals itself as a way of life rather than an art form. Adaptable to the needs and capabilities of each individual, it encourages exploration and self-expression, offering a pathway towards self-cultivation and spiritual fulfilment.

The Practice of Taiji

The practical way to understand Yinyang

The concept of Daoist martial artists revolves around balancing two opposing extremes - Yin and Yang. This balance is achieved through muscle tension, relaxation, mental focus, and physical movement and position. When the body, mind, and spirit are involved, this practice is called Taijiquan or the routine of Taiji.

Yin and Yang
The Way of Heaven is called the Round; the Way of Earth is called the Square. The square governs the obscure; the circular governs the bright. The bright emits qi, and for this reason fire is the external brilliance of the sun. The obscure sucks in qi, and for this

In Taiji, every movement is carefully synchronised with the body's position and motion to maintain balance between Yin and Yang. Stabilising the body's centre of gravity to maintain balance is essential. Interestingly, the energy centre, the Dantian, is located two fingers below the navel, close to our gravity centre. By focusing on the Dantian, practitioners can achieve a calm and strong foundation for their movements, mental focus and relaxation. When combined with natural breathing, this energy is distributed throughout the body, nourishing the spirit and supporting the nervous system. The Dantian is, without doubt, the foundation of our being, and its proper management is crucial for achieving success in Taiji.

Integrating the principles of Yin and Yang in Taijiquan is a natural training routine that strengthens and stabilises the whole body and enhances energy efficiency, thereby reducing stress levels and tiredness.

Breathing in Taijiquan

In the practice of Taijiquan, the flow of Qi (energy) is regulated through our breathing. This means maintaining a steady oxygen flow in our bodies can stabilise our Qi and keep it flowing smoothly. This, in turn, helps our muscles to relax, as they are supplied with the oxygen they need to move in a fluid and effortless way. So, breathing is essential to Taijiquan, as it helps us move with greater ease and grace.

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